How much Protein is Enough Protein?

Posted: June 24, 2011 by Factory Fitness in Diet & nutrition
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online protein diet

CD himself

The following article was prepared by CD, a personal trainer visiting Factory Gyms from Colorado, USA, for the next 7 weeks. If you’re a member of the gym, you will have seen the ‘new guy’ in the strange American shorts – that’s CD. Give him a wave next time you in – we’re delighted to have him and want to make him feel very welcome!

How much protein is enough protein?

Protein, as many people know, is the building material that our muscles rely on to grow in both strength and size. Many people in the gym watch their protein intake very closely, so as to get the most hypertrophy (muscle growth) out of each training session. For the most part, however, many of us obtain relevant information from protein supplement manufacturers, who obviously just want us to consume more, more, and even more. “Alright, well how much protein will give me the best results?” Good question. In order to answer that question, we need to look at how much protein will supply each individual’s needs. Let’s look at some facts…

Individual Daily Protein Requirements

Each person is different, obviously, so it is to be expected that our individual protein needs are different as well. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends approximately 1 gram of protein per kilogram of bodyweight for the average person. This is enough to keep the nitrogen balance in the body at the right level, as well as support the muscles for everyday living. However, most of you reading this are not so interested in just “maintaining.” For those who are looking to increase muscle mass, the recommended amount is about 2 – 2.5 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight for both men and women, depending on the intensity of daily physical activity. For example, an active 70 kg individual would need 140 – 175 grams of protein per day in order to best support muscle growth.

protein supplementation

1,250 KCal and 50g Protein in each Serious Mass shake.

“Ok, that’s great to know, but how much of that should I be taking at one time?” Another great question! Here’s the answer…

In 2009, a study was performed by the American Diet Association that compared the muscle building properties of 90 grams of protein to 30 grams of protein ingested at one time. They determined that there was no difference of muscle growth between the two groups. What this means is that anything over 30 – 35 grams of protein at one time (i.e. in a protein shake) is unnecessary. You will get the same muscle building benefits regardless.

“Cool! When should I have my protein, then, if I’m not taking it all at one time?”

Your daily protein requirement should be met throughout the day, ideally in 5 or 6 increments. It is important to have one of those increments directly following your training, as this will allow your body to begin utilizing the amino acids immediately.

“Alright, then. I’m off to put these principles into practice!”

WAIT! There is one more thing to remember. Protein is processed through the kidneys, so it is VERY IMPORTANT to drink plenty of water so you don’t put too much stress on your kidneys. Ok. That’s it for now. Go have fun.


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