Summer Fitness Plan… Sorted!

Posted: June 22, 2011 by Chloe Bermudez in Craggy Island Triathlon, Summer Blitz
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“What’s the plan Chloe?”

Okay, so I’ve had a bunch of emails asking, what’s the plan for the summer? I had previously mentioned another Fitness Booster (but longer) and some triathlon style training. Plans have now been set, and the date to begin is nearly upon us. It all kicks off on the 4th July, and I’m very excited. The summer is a great time to build and improve upon your winter training – endorphins are elevated, the weather is less of an impedance and the daylight hours are almost endless. It’s time to switch from endurance efforts to short, sharp interval training and cardio-strength circuits to raise your metabolism, burn fat and generally kick ass! So if you’re ready to break out of a rut, test yourself or even try something new this summer, the solution is here!

free cardio exercise program

... time to get your heart going!

So, back to the plan….

The Summer Blitz program begins on the 4th July. The program is made up of a combination of short high-intensity circuits and rapid interval sets. The program constitutes 24 individual workouts which can be completed over 4 weeks (6 per week), six weeks (4 per week), 8 weeks (3 per week) or 12 weeks (2 per week). The workouts focus exclusively on cardiovascular fitness and muscle strength endurance. They are short, but carefully designed to provide a comprehensive full-body cardiovascular training session. They can either be completed on their own, or used in combination with your present training to kick things up a gear and rapidly build cardiovascular fitness, strength endurance and power.

Is this suitable for me?

The program is suitable for anyone with an adventurous spirit! The Summer Blitz operates along the lines of the Fitness Booster – a workout will be issued every day except Sunday for four weeks, so you won’t know what’s to come. It’s all about exploring the unknown, pushing yourself hard, and enjoying something new with a bunch of people you’ve never met before. Every workout accommodates every fitness level, from complete beginners all the way up to advanced gym addicts. My goal is to get everyone addicted!

Okay sounds good, how do I get involved?

Simple. Just register to our blog and the workouts will be sent to you by email every day for a month. Then drop me a line below, indicating whether your aim is to do the workouts over 4 weeks, 6 weeks, 8 weeks or 12 weeks – so I can make sure there are gym buddies to train with and group sessions to get involved in throughout, to keep you motivated and entertained.

Did you say something about Triathlon?

Indeed I did! Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays we will be organising group training sessions for our Craggy Island Triathlon Team. Fridays we run intervals in Holyrood Park, Saturdays we cycle and Sundays we swim. All weather permitting. Should Mother Nature turn on us, I’ll arrange some in-house HIIT (high-intensity interval training) sessions for our Triathletes, to which you’re also welcome. If these outdoor/ HIIT sessions interest you, find me on facebook and I’ll add you to our training group. Everyone is welcome, so don’t be shy! Get involved, we’d love to have you!


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