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The Workout: Treadmill Intervals

Kyle at Factory Gyms

Avoid the snow, hit the treadmill.

Let’s face it, with winter quite clearly here there is more chance of you sitting indoors by the cosy fire than lacin’ up the old one and twos to go running outdoors. Nobody wants to take the chance of taking a tumble, risking injury or the sheer embarrassment of sliding on your bum like an Olympic curling stone! Therefore the only way to continue your development is to take to the treadmill. I have never been a massive fan of treadmills due to my love of outdoor running. However, I did not realise the benefits of treadmill running, especially treadmill interval training, until I tried it out.

Interval training relies on running repeats of the same pace and distance, which is difficult to judge when running on a track, and near enough impossible to judge on the open road. There are some fairly accurate GPS training watches out there nowadays, but still not nearly as precise as treadmill running. Your form, pacing and stride/arm action can be affected by the icy conditions and the multi-layered/bulky clothes that you wear when outdoors to protect you from the elements – something that is certainly not an issue in the gym environment. Finally, when training outdoors you sub-consciously slow down as fatigue sets in. It may feel that you are running at the same pace due to the same rate of perceived exertion. An inconsistent pace reduces the quality of your workout without you even knowing. With a treadmill the pace will never change meaning that you will work at that consistent pace and achieve your goal pace every time.

Interval training is proven to improve cardio-vascular fitness (with your heart getting bigger and stronger), burn calories fast and with the increase in endorphins you will feel fantastic!! So go and try this out…

Kyle on treadmill at Factory GymsThe Protocol:

5 minutes warm up – from a walking pace gradually increase the pace throughout.

Intervals – 1 minute run at a rate that you feel challenged at and would not be able to talk at, followed by 1 minute at a walking pace. Repeat 10 times

5 minutes cool down – decrease pace until heart rate returns to normal

Challenge me!

  1. Decrease the resting period to 30 seconds
  2. Change the resting period to a light jog
  3. Perform 15 squats or lunges during the rest period
Kyle Farningham demonstrating a squat at Factory Gyms

Make sure you go nice and low for maximum results.

Help me!

  1. Reduce exercise period to 30 seconds but remain with 1 minute rest
  2. Instead of walking during rest, step onto the sides of the treadmill and stop completely. Just be careful when getting back onto the treadmill after rest!!